Hardware Stores

Bailey Bros Hardware 1.16.48
Bailey Bros Hardware 3.4.47
Bailey Bros Hardware ordered to vacate the premises 01.02.1948
Barth & Sons oil stoves & elec supplies Lamarathon ad 00.00.1923
Barth Hardware 11.01.49
Barth Hardware 11.19.48
Barth Hardware 4.26.54
Barth Hardware 5.06.49
Barth Hardware 5.30.47
Barth Hardware 7.19.54
Barth Hardware 7.4.47
Barth Hardware ad 11.11.1943
Barth Hardware electrifying sale 06.06.1950
Barth Hardware store on E side of square 00.00.1940
C B Earp Hardware & Furniture ad 00.00.1951
C B Earp Hardware & Furniture ad 11.11.1943
C B Earp Hardware & Furniture Christmas sale 12.00.1951
C B Earp Hardware & Furniture pic 00.00.1955
Earp Hardware & Furniture 9.19.53
Earp Hardware & Furniture--Bedroom suites 08.08.1950
Earp Hardware E side of square 10.01.1972
Gamble's Store 05.08.1959
Gamble's Store 5.18.55
Gamble's Store 7.06.55
Gamble's Store 7.08.55
Gamble's Store 9.06.57
Gamble's 03.01.56
Gambles store ad S W corner of square 04.04.1957
Gambles store ad S W corner of square 03.01.1956
Gambles store quitting business sale S W corner of sq 12.15.1960
Harold Stevens (Lamar Hdwe) to have cancer surgery 06.22.1962
Harold Stevens (Lamar Hdwe) wife tells of his cancer 07.13.1962
Howald Hardware 3.21.47
Howald Hardware 5.13.47
Johannes Hardware 7.22.40
Johnson Furniture & Hardware 08.25.1972
Johnson's Hardware 00.00.00
Lamar Arms Co 5.13.1955
Lamar Hardware & Furniture--Collins & Son N side of sq 00.00.1924
Lamar Hardware 10.26.55
Lamar Hardware 10.9.54
Lamar Hardware 12.02.54
Lamar Hardware 3.16.48
Lamar Hardware 6.16.55
Lamar Hardware 8.13.48
Lamar Hardware ad 00.00.1951
Lamar Hardware ad for pickup of Pioneer seed corn 03.17.1953
Lamar Hardware for sale--Harold & Gladys Stevens 02.06.1957
Lamar Hardware reopens under new owner Glen Tacke 03.17.1950
Lamar Hardware sells for 2nd time in 2 wks 03.17.1950
Lamar Hardware--Harold & Gladys Stevens leaving Lamar 01.31.1957
Lamar Hardware--Harold & Gladys Stevens S side of square 10.06.1950
Lamar Hardware--Harold & Gladys Stevens take over from Tacke 06.09.1950
Medlin-Frieden hardware & furniture burglarized 12.12.1962
Medlin-Frieden has over  7777 items to choose from 12.11.1962
Medlin-Frieden once again in hardware business 01.09.1969
Oklahoma Tire & Supply 07.23.48
Oklahoma Tire & Supply 2.06.48
Oklahoma Tire & Supply 5.25.55
Oklahoma Tire & Supply has the new Philc Predicta tv 07.28.1958
Oklahoma Tire & Supply heater ad 4 dairy days 01.17.1950
Oklahoma Tire & Supply tire sale ad 07.21.1950
Oklahoma Tire & Supply--H Wright sells to R Cribbett 10.06.1950
Oklahoma Tire & Supply--Roy & Gayle Cribbett owners 10.13.1950
Oklahoma Tire & Supply--Walter Messerall new owner 06.28.1958
Otasco (W Messerall) 03.05.1959
Otasco 08.30.72
Otasco 4.14.55
Otasco 9.05.72
Otasco CB raido ad--Jim Fornter owner N side of sq 12.07.1976
Otasco store sold by Cribbett to W Messerall 06.25.1958
Otasco--customer steals television set 04.23.1958
Parks & Hardesty turn hardware store back to Medlin & Frieden 01.09.1969
Sears Authorized Catalog Store 10.05.72
Sears Authorized Catalog Store 9.25.74
Sewell Hardware Co vacates Middlesworth bldg 05.09.1918
Walter Johnson moving to Hannah & Masterson bldg 10.23.1958
Western Auto 10.19.72
Western Auto Associate Store 5.13.54
Western Auto honors Bud Moore for 1 Mill $ of business 10.10.1960
Western Auto Store 4.19.73
Western Auto Supply Co 10.21.54
Western Auto--13th Anniversary under Bud Moore 04.18.1950
Western Auto--Bud Moore & wife leaving for Europe 08.04.1958
Western Auto--has Lawn Boy mowers for sale 04.17.1958
Western Auto--Lorene Moore & Sons ad 08.29.1975
Wilburn Wilhelm has Power Lawn Mowers 4 sale 00.00.1951 
Ye Ole Hardware 5.1.75